The Widow: a quiet but powerful voice

I've never been a real crime novel fan although I did enjoy Into the Fire by Manda Scott, mainly because of the sustained tension and the gripping and likeable characters. I heard about The Widow from Madeleine Milburn at a writers' conference and she lauded the book because of its immediately interesting and arresting voice. The …

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‘It must be really hard being a vegan’

It's something I hear quite often and I don't mind at all when people say it. 'It must be really hard being a vegan' 'You have to give up so much.' 'I could live without meat but exist without cheese? Never.' I can understand why people make these comments. I'm less anarchic than I used …

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Happy September! Let’s bottle summer and keep it alive through the cold months

So many crises have been screamed from newspaper headlines this summer. We’ve read about the post-Brexit panic and the disharmony in both major political parties as new leaders put themselves forward. Politicians have been maligned and rejected and new leaders have emerged. We’ve read about the queues at Calais, the dreadful attacks in Nice and …

Continue reading Happy September! Let’s bottle summer and keep it alive through the cold months